How Neurosage Works?

Playing video games has become a very popular form of entertainment. It is simple to learn and can be a very rewarding pastime. Research identifies many positive effects gaming has on different areas of the brain. It has been shown to activate areas in the brain that deal with sematic memory, visual imagery, and cognitive control.

Neurosage is a noninvasive computer software application that is designed to improve balance and coordination. Light and sound stimulate the brain and has been used for years for their therapeutic benefits. Different frequencies of light and sound produce different effects. For example, alpha range visual and auditory stimulation reduces the perception of pain. Other frequencies induce a parasympathetic or relaxed state. This process is named Systemic Neural Adaptation, which involves the intentional change of the body’s system over time.

The Process Behind Neurosage

In short, Systemic Neural Adaptation is a noninvasive method and system for creating rapid and sustained neurochemical activation. The process of Systemic Neural Adaptation involves the intentional change over time of bodily systems to carefully modulated and applied visual, auditory, and physical stimulus. This systemic change through neural response is achieved through noninvasive non-pharmacological means enabling the brain and body to work in harmony.

Over the past forty years or more, the pharmaceutical industry, and particularly the science of pharmacology, has been interested in the physiology of the human brain as it relates to neurotransmitters and the neurons containing monoamines. Research and clinical study have proven that the neurotransmitters Dopamine and Serotonin control many organs and processes that regulate bodily function. In addition, these neurochemicals are critical components in the processes related to human psychological function. Further, it has been proven and accepted by medical science that raising the internal levels of Dopamine and Serotonin can have both a recuperative and a restorative affect that can produce dramatic improvements in cognitive ability and physical performance.

In the brain, Dopamine is released from the Dopaminergic neurons and communicates with the brain to ensure that movements and specific emotions are carried out in a controlled context. Likewise, Serotonin is released from the serotonergic neurons and communicates with the brain to ensure that processes associated to cognition and mood are carried out in a controlled context. With reduced levels of Dopamine and Serotonin, this communication is impaired, and commands from the brain to the body are degraded with unpredictable results. With no Dopamine or Serotonin, this communication ceases and the brain sends messages in an uncontrolled context. This breakdown in communication and loss of the subsequent control function results in a wide array of harmful symptoms. An example is the symptoms associated to Parkinson’s disease. Conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyper Active Disorder (ADHD), anxiety, depression, eating disorders, chronic pain disorders such as Fibromyalgia and Regional Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), Epilepsy, and Migraines are also examples of the impact of reduced levels of Dopamine and Serotonin.

However, conventional mechanisms for initiating higher levels of these neurochemicals and then sustaining them, in the majority, are problematic and involve invasive surgical procedures or the introduction of synthetic or pseudo-synthetic pharmaceuticals that may have unforeseen side effects.

A problem in the pursuit of pharmacologic solutions is the anatomical response of adaptive resistance. Over time the human body’s natural response to external influence is to adapt, and then if the influence is systemically harmful, to resist. An example of this is the well documented issue of adaptive resistance that occurs in hormone replacement therapy. As hormones are externally introduced to the body orally or through injection, the body will begin to reduce the levels of natural production as it attempts to maintain a balanced state. As a result, a treating medical professional will need to administer higher levels of externally introduced hormone in order to maintain the desired results from the treatment. This adaptive cycle will over time create a need for increasingly greater dosage / quantity of external agent as the body’s natural production slows until if the cycle is not halted the body ceases all natural production. The introduction of pharmacologic solutions to raise neurochemical levels will often trigger a similar adaptive response cycle that leads to increasingly lower levels of natural production which in turn requires increasingly higher levels of injected pharmaceuticals. There is documented evidence which shows the harmful side effects when this cycle occurs. Thus, there is an obvious need for a new noninvasive means of increasing systemic levels of Dopamine and Serotonin that encourages the body’s natural production of these neurochemicals and minimizes or eliminates the stated problematic response of adaptive resistance and the harmful side effects that it can bring about.

In view of the foregoing disadvantages inherent in invasive surgical or pharmacologic methods for inducing neurological stimulation, SNA Biotech and our team of scientists bring a viable alternative, the process of Systemic Neural Adaptation and its implementation within the Neurosage Platform. Through Neurosage we provide an intuitive and effective mechanism insuring the systematic raising of these vital neurochemicals to sustainable levels. In addition to encouraging neural plasticity, Systemic Neural Adaptation also facilitates a state of neurological and postural balance. This is a state in which the central nervous system is adjusted into a state of symmetrical tolerance that is necessary for optimal brain / body function.

As stated, physiologically the brain functions as a control mechanism for the human body. Utilizing vast networks of nerve pathways and billions of neurons, the brain acts on the rest of the body as electro-chemical inputs and outputs are transmitted to and from sensors and receptors located within the brain and throughout the body. The brain and critical subcomponents, namely the Ventral Tegmental Area, the Nucleus Accumbens, the Somatosensory Cortex, the Visual Cortex, the Auditory Cortex, the Primary Motor Cortex, and the Raphe Nuclei represent the major anatomical components targeted within the scope of the process of Systemic Neural Adaptation. The process is instantiated by the deliberate manipulation of both Dopamine and Serotonin release. In the human body, Dopamine exists as both a hormone and a neurotransmitter. As a neurotransmitter, Dopamine functions as a signaling chemical in nerve cells and plays a primary role in processing motivation and motor functions. This signaling begins within cells in the Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) deep in the central core of the brain and extends out to the cortices of the brain through the mesolimbic pathway. The VTA Dopaminergic cells are primarily involved in the highest level functions of motor control. These cells are very dense in the motor and premotor cortices and therefore, Dopamine levels within these cells greatly impact motor function throughout the body. This is achieved through Dopamine’s modulation of the response selection process. Dopamine sets the “effort threshold” for behavior i.e. the level of effort required to invoke a given behavior. The higher the level of Dopamine “x” within the brain, the lower the effort required to instantiate the effort “y” throughout the body. By increasing the level of Dopamine within the Dopaminergic neuro receptors, motor activity can be radically increased and then deliberately sustained through modulation of Dopamine influencing stimuli. An interesting side effect of this sustained stimuli is the morphing of Dopamine into a “teaching” signal. When increased motor activity is followed by an increased Dopamine response, the pathways within the Nucleus Accumbens are altered in a way that ensures the same response can be achieved faster the next time it is presented.

Dopamine is critical to Frontal Cortex functions like situational awareness and attention. Learning disorders such as ADHD are characterized by the distinct reduction or even absence of situational awareness and attention span. The reduction of Dopamine release within the mesolimbic system appears to be a key precursor to the symptomatic reactions of loss of awareness and attention therefore a primary cause of ADHD symptoms.

In addition to the Dopaminergic neurons within the brain, there are additional Dopaminergic neurons within the retina of the eye. This retinal Dopamine is particularly dense around the cone cells within the retina and when activated greatly enhance cone function while suppressing the actions of the rod cells. The result is to increase both the eye’s and the Visual Cortex’s sensitivity to color. This sensitivity then creates an excitation loop encouraging the increased release of Dopamine via the VTA. While the increase of Dopamine levels within the brain can have tremendous positive effects, reduced levels of Dopamine can have very negative effects. Low levels of Dopamine lead to lethargic motor responses and slowed reactions. Many diseases of the central nervous system that impair motor response and control have been linked to dysfunctions within the Dopamine system. Parkinson’s disease which causes degenerative motor control and body tremor has been clinically associated to the loss of Dopamine neurons within the Substantia Nigra (SN). With this understanding, it becomes quite clear that the neurochemical Dopamine plays a vital role in brain-body function.

Like Dopamine, Serotonin has widespread and critical effects within the brain and the rest of the human body. A bundle of neurons called the Raphe Nuclei located within the brainstem are the principal source of Serotonin in the brain. Axons from the Raphe Nuclei extend into almost every part of the Central Nervous System terminating in the Cerebellum and the spinal cord. The function of the Serotonergic System and the levels of Serotonin in the brain have been directly linked to the brains ability to regulate mood.

Inherent within the scope of the Neurosage Platform is the concept of sensory adaptation. Sensory adaptation involves a process of progressive change over time of the body’s sensory systems in response to a constant stimulus. The sensory neurons in the brain that process the stimulation adapt to the stimulus and react in lesser degrees until all reaction is ceased. The brain adapts to the stimulus by normalizing it and will then only react if greater stimulus is applied. An example of this concept is the adaptation that occurs when weight training. Clinical studies have shown that increased muscle strength is common after only one weight training session but with no increase in muscle size. This result is achieved through chemical changes in the brains motor cortex and over time the brain will actually alter the spinal cord circuitry to make the changes permanent as muscle density increases.

The implementation of our process within the Neurosage Platform leverages these concepts through the modulation of visual and auditory stimulus. Contained within the patented technology of the Neurosage Platform is a self-learning Artificial Neural Network. The modulation of all visual and auditory stimulus is managed by the Neurosage Artificial Intelligence and over time will become increasingly tailored to an individual’s personal needs. The subroutines contained within the AI will combine knowledge learned from previous sessions with real-time diagnostic data to alter (e.g. increase rapidity, displayed direction, pigment / hue, volume, wave length) the targeted stimulus algorithmically in order to maximize the excitation of Dopaminergic and Serotonergic Neurons.

It is somewhat self-evident why an optimized and highly functioning brain would be desirable. An increase in cognitive capabilities and self-improvement as a whole are goals that most of us desire. Unfortunately it is not an intuitive process and often requires the assistance of highly specialized professionals and complex processes and devices that are expensive and cumbersome. The process of Systemic Neural Adaptation as implemented within our Neurosage platform achieves these goals within a controlled and disciplined environment.
